In the last three decades, Pab / Aguiar-Branco, directed by Pedro Aguiar-Branco, has specialized in works of art from the time of the Discoveries, the result of Portuguese contact with other cultures: trade routes, miscegenation of cultures from 1500 to 1800, the beginning of the first global market.
Specialists in Afro-Portuguese, Indo-Portuguese art, Namban and Sino-Portuguese art and all art objects related to the Age of Discovery, from the 16th to the 18th century.
With their presence in the international market, they expanded his interests in Spanish, Dutch, French and English orders in Asia and the Americas.
The objects of the Wonder Chambers (Kunstkamera), the contact with other peoples and the taste for the exotic that the 16th century provided, such as counters, boxes and safes, china, lacquers, precious woods, ivories , mother of pearls and other exotic materials ... are also at the center of your interests.